School Info


1. Name of the school with address(Stricly as per affiliation sanction Letter or as permited by the board) THE GOOD SHEPHERD MISSION SCHOOL
  ( I ) Email tgsms@rediffmail.com
  ( II ) Ph. No. 033-24967196  /  24967816
  ( III ) Fax. No. -
2. Year of Establisment of School 1989
3. Whether NOC From State/UT or recommendation of Embassy of India Obtained Govt. of WEST BENGAL
  ( I ) NOC No. 121 - SE ( H.S. )
  ( II ) NOC issuing Date 18.05.1998
4. Is the school is recognized, if yes :by which Authority CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION,NEW DELHI
5. Status of Affiliation(Perlament/Regular/Provisional) PROVISIONAL
  ( I ) Aff. No. 2430069
  ( II ) Aff. With the board Scince April - 2002
  ( III ) Extention of aff. Upto March - 2025
6. Name of Trust/Socity Registered: under section 25 of the company atc 1956.Period upto wcich registration of Trust socity is valid THE CALCUTTA BARISHA GOOD SHEPHERD MISSION

Details of Curriculum 

Primary School Section (Classes I To V)

The instructional plan incorporates the teaching of English, Number Work, Hindi or Bengali, Environment Studies, Social Studies, Computer, Art & Craft, Games, Physical Education, Music (Indian & Western) and incidental learning through Library, Audio - Visual aids, field trips and excursions help in enhancing the knowledge of the children.

A third language i.e. Hindi, Bengali is added at the class 1 level


Middle School Section (Class VI To VIII)

The instructional program includes Science as Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Social Studies as history / Civics and Geography / Life Skills besides the regular curricular subject. The third language ends in class VIII. Remedial teaching are also incorporated at this level. Work Experience, Art and Health & Physical Education are a part of the curriculum and are graded periodically. Education Program is supported through reinforcement in areas through technology-aided-learning and activities in mathematics, science, language like Hindi, English and Bengali. Audio - Visual support are an integral part of the educational program.

Secondary Section (Classes IX & X)

The instructional program includes General Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology), Mathematics, Social Science (History, Geography, Civics and Economics,) besides English and 2nd Language (Hindi or Bengali), Skill based Information Technology, Art, Health and Physical Education are also an integral part of the curriculum. Educational support program like Mathematics Practical, Outdoor Project Trips and other reinforcement areas of learning are in strict conformity with the Central Board of Secondary Educational, Delhi.



 Norms followed for fixing fees

The Good Shepherd Mission School has students from various financial backgrounds hence the fees are revised keeping these points in mind.

 The School Managing committee unitedly decides upon the revision of the school fees.


 The fees are revised at 6 - 8% per financial year as decided by the School managing committee.



List of Members of School managing Committee with their Address/Tenure & Post Held

Sr. Member Name Tenure Designation

Name & official address of Manager

Name:  Binod Kumar Singh
Adress:  2/A Kenaram Ganguly Road,Barisha,Kolkata-700008
Email:    bkbihar@rediffmail.com
Phone:  033-2496 - 7816 / 7196

Area Of Schools

I Total Land Area In Sq. Mtrs. 1735.42
II Built up Area ( sq. mtrs. ) 464.51 
III Area of play ground ( sq. mtrs ) 850

Other Facilites

I. Swimming Pool NO
II. Indoor Games YES
III. Dance Rooms YES
IV. Gymnasium NO
V. Music Room YES
VI. Hostels NO
VII. Health & Medical YES

Details Of Fee Structure

Sl       Class Amount per month
1.     I   to  VIII Rs: 2000/- 
2.     IX & X Rs: 2200/-



Transport Facility

I. Own Buses NO
II. Buses hired on contract basis NO
III. Details of transport charges NA

Particulars Of Teaching Staff

Sr. Name Designation DOB Date of Appointment Trained / Untrained Probation / Confirmed Adhoe / Part Time
1. Koyali Dey Vice-Principal 12/08/1991 01/04/2019 Trained Confirmed N/A
2. Ananya Mondal PGT 02/05/1986 01/06/2022 Trained Confirmed N/A
3. Animesh Roy Principal 01/12/1988 01/09/2016 Trained Confirmed N/A
4. Rupanjana Sanyal TGT 22/08/1978 01/09/2020 Trained Confirmed N/A
5. Subhashis Mukherjee MCA 05/01/1978 01/09/2016 Trained Confirmed N/A
6. Ganesh Manna B PEd 18/01/1990 01/05/2019 Trained Confirmed N/A
7. Sumana Rana PGT 28/08/1991 01/05/2019 Trained Confirmed N/A
8. Neena Guha PGT 24/02/1968 01/04/2003 Trained Confirmed N/A
9. Mahua Nath PGT 31/08/1971 01/09/2016 Trained Confirmed N/A
10. Jayanti Mukherjee PGT 28/02/1969 01/04/2004 Trained Confirmed N/A
11. Swarup Bera BLib Sci 02/11/1979 01/09/2016 Trained Confirmed N/A
12. Sanjoy Ghosh PGT 13/11/1969 01/06/2022 Trained Confirmed N/A
13. Nirnita Chakraborty PGT 18/03/1998 01/07/2024 Trained Confirmed N/A
14. Sumona Banerjee PGT 30/08/1969 01/09/2016 Trained Confirmed N/A
15. Arundhati Roy Choudhury PGT 01/11/1965 01/04/2000 Trained Confirmed N/A
16. Mousumi Das PGT 28/07/1969 01/04/2000 Trained Confirmed N/A

Details of Salary being paid by the school of teaching or non teaching staff.

Sr. Designation PGT / TGT / PRT etc Pay Scale Grade Pay ( % ) Of DA HRA EPF Contribution
1. PGT 9000 - 40500 4800 100% 15% 12%
1. TGT 7100 - 37600 4100 100% 15% 12%

Mode of Payment Of Salary

1. Name of the bank through which salary drawing  Bank  of  Maharashtra
2. Through ECS check
3. Individual Cheque X
4. Cash X

Library Facility

Size of Library in Sq. Ft. 800
No. of Periodicals 12
No. of Dailies 4
Reference Books 356
No. of Magazine 7
Total No. of Books 3546

Section wise enrolment of school for the current session

Class Total Section Enrolment
1 1 29
2 1 21
3 1 24
4 1 22
5 1 32
6 1 19
7 1 33
8 1 36
9 1 40
10 1 34

Academic Session Period:  From April to March
Vacation Period:  From May to June
Admission Period:  From January to March